Brazil is in fact one of the pioneering countries in the adoption of mechanized harvesting techniques for the sesame crop. The importance of mechanized harvesting in the Brazilian sesame industry can be highlighted through several important benefits:
Greater efficiency: Mechanized harvesting allows for more efficient and timely harvesting compared to manual methods. Machines can cover large areas of land in a relatively short time, shortening the overall harvest period and minimizing crop losses due to over-ripening.
Cost-effective: While the initial investment in agricultural machinery can be significant, mechanized harvesting can lead to long-term cost savings. Reduced labor requirements translate to lower labor expenses, making the overall production process more financially viable.
Labor shortage: In recent years, many agricultural regions around the world have faced challenges related to the availability of labor and rising labor costs. Mechanized harvesting in the sesame industry helps solve this problem by reducing dependence on manual labor.
Quality preservation: Mechanized harvesters are designed to speed up harvesting and zero risk of Salmonella and other contamination. At the time of mechanized harvesting, the sesame goes straight to the truck and then goes to the industry for pre-cleaning, processing and bagging. Agile harvesting is essential to prevent sesame from being exposed for a long time in the field, minimizing quality degradation caused by bad weather, pests or diseases.
Competitiveness in the Global Market: By adopting modern agricultural practices, such as mechanized harvesting, sesame producers in Brazil can increase their competitiveness in the global market. Efficient production methods contribute to the supply of sesame seeds at competitive prices, making Brazilian sesame more attractive to international buyers.
Scalability: As the demand for sesame products increases globally, the ability to efficiently scale up production becomes crucial. Mechanized harvesting allows farmers to expand their operations and meet growing demand without a commensurate increase in the need for labor.
Research and Development: Brazil's focus on mechanized harvesting has encouraged research and development of specific agricultural machinery and equipment for the sesame crop. This further drives innovation and improves the performance and suitability of such machines for sesame harvesting.
It is important to note that while mechanized harvesting offers numerous advantages, the benefits of mechanization must be balanced with considerations of environmental impact and social aspects.
As the global agricultural industry evolves, the importance of mechanized harvesting in the Brazilian sesame sector may continue to grow, promoting greater productivity, traceability, competitiveness and sustainability for the country's agribusiness.